Proceedings of the Colloquium on Logos, Ethos, Mythos in the Middle East and North Africa, Budapest, 18-22 September 1995 / Edited by K. Dévényi, T. Ivanyi.

Dil Kodu
Dewey Yer Numarası
400 301.2
Toplantı Adı
Colloquium On Logos, Ethos, Mythos İn The Middle East and North Africa Budapest) (1995
Yayın Bilgisi
Budapest: Eötvös Lorand University Chair For Arabic Studies and Csoma De Körös Society Section of Islamic Studies, 1996.
Fiziksel Tanımlama
2 c.: fotoğ.: 23 cm.
İçindekiler Notu
1.c. Linguistic and literature. -- 2.c. Popular religion, popular cultura and history.
Diğer Yazarlar
Dévényi, Kinga (ed.) Ivanyi, Tomas (ed.)
Yer Numarası
Eser Adı
Proceedings of the Colloquium on Logos, Ethos, Mythos in the Middle East and North Africa, Budapest, 18-22 September 1995 / Edited by K. Dévényi, T. Ivanyi.

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